Idea of formation

What is life? Rhythm is the answer

An answer that may well have led to the formation of a company. It was in 1924 that Viennese chemist Dr. Rudolf Hauschka (1891-1969) travelled to the Netherlands and attended the anthroposophic summer conference in Arnheim. Here, he met Dr. Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925). Hauschka had several conversations with the founder of anthroposophy and asked him what, in his opinion, life was. Steiner answered: “Study rhythms, rhythm is the carrier of life.” For many years, Hauschka dwelled on this answer and eventually applied it in his medicine research in 1929. At the time, he was working at the Clinical and Therapeutic Institute in Arlesheim, Switzerland. He had been invited here by anthroposophic physician Dr. Ita Wegman (1876 -1943) with a view to developing a natural technique for manufacturing medicine, for example without the need for alcohol as a preservative.

With Steiner’s answer in mind, Rudolf Hauschka integrated natural polar changes such as light/dark, warm/cold, movement/calm in an extraction process for medicinal herbs - rhythmic changes that enhanced natural preservation, thereby helping to counter the decomposition process.
