Good Health Guide - Gastrointestinal



  • Mushy, watery stools, more than three times a day
  • Stomach pains and cramps
  • Nausea, vomiting

Potential causes:

  • Infection with bacteria or viruses
  • Anxiety or nervousness
  • Incompatible food, especially in the case of children (e.g. milk, nuts, egg-white, fish)

What you can do yourself:

The most important thing to remember is that liquids and minerals lost by the body should always be replaced in order to stabilise the blood pressure. Because of this, 2.5 litres of liquids should be drunk every day. As well as still mineral water, chamomile tea or fennel tea, special electrolyte solutions are available from pharmacies and are particularly suitable for babies and small children. It is best to eat light foods that are high in minerals and fibre, for example mashed bananas and grated apples, boiled carrots and potatoes.
