Good Health Guide - Eyes
Do you know the feeling?
Tired and dry eyes after a long day working in front of a computer screen, after a long drive in poor visibility conditions or after working in an environment with very dry air?
In today’s high-tech world with its computers and air-conditioners, tired and irritated eyes are virtually an everyday occurrence. On the whole, our immune systems are becoming more and more sensitive and therefore more susceptible to illness, which frequently manifests itself in the form of allergies. This means that people with allergies often suffer from dry as well as inflamed eyes.
Growing pollution and the constant flood of sensory stimuli are increasingly proving to be too much for many people. This frequently leads to dry, allergic or simple conjunctivitis – or, in less severe cases, ‘just’ tired eyes. Medicinal herbs that provide gentle relief to the eyes include eyebright, purple coneflower and greater celandine.